Animal breeding field, extending to about 10.855 sq.m. in total, located in Frenaros, Ammochostos.andlt;br /andgt; The property has a flat surface and access is via a registered road with a total road frontage of approximately 244m.andlt;br /andgt; It is situated at a distance of approximately 1.7 km northwest from the community’s center and approximately 750 meters north from the road connecting Frenaros – Avgorou. The immediate area of the property consists of livestock buildings and empty parcels of land.andlt;br /andgt; The property falls within a duel Zone Γγ1(100%) , with a building coefficient of 30%, coverage of 30%, and permission for 2 floors (7m) of construction and Zone Γβ1(0%) , with a building coefficient of 30%, coverage of 30%, and permission for 2 floors (7m) of construction.
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