“Properties listed with a Reserve Price indicate that the Seller reserves its right to not accept offers below the specified price. All offers must exceed the Reserve Price. While lower offers may be submitted, they are unlikely to be considered by the Seller.”andlt;br /andgt; andlt;br /andgt; Industrial and protected field, extending to about 16,054 sq.m. in total. The property has a flat surface. andlt;br /andgt; andlt;br /andgt; The asset is located approximately 700m west from the industrial zone of Limassolandlt;br /andgt; andlt;br /andgt; The property falls within a duel Zone Bα5 (59%), with a building coefficient of 80%, coverage of 60%, and permission for 2 floors of construction and Zone Δα3 (41%), with a building coefficient of 5%, coverage of 5%, and permission for 2 floors (7m) of construction.andlt;br /andgt; andlt;br /andgt; GPS coordinates: 34.729239 32.934267
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