Seven adjacent fields, extending to about 134.788 sq.m. in total. Access to two of the fields is via a registered unpaved road.andlt;brandgt; The asset is located approximately 450 mm northwest of the village’s centre.andlt;brandgt; Property with registration number 0/1754, extending to approximately 14.716 sq.m. in total.andlt;brandgt; Property with registration number 0/1758, extending to approximately 29.432 sq.m. in total.andlt;brandgt; Property with registration number 0/1755, extending to approximately 14.716 sq.m. in total.andlt;brandgt; Property with registration number 0/1757, extending to approximately 26.757 sq.m. in total andlt;brandgt; Property with registration number 0/1756, extending to approximately 26.757 sq.m. in total. andlt;brandgt; Property with registration number 0/1644, extending to approximately 6.021 sq.m. in total.andlt;brandgt; Property with registration number 0/1519, extending to approximately 16.389 sq.m. in total.andlt;brandgt; The properties fall within Zone AZ.
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